Saturday, January 2, 2010

Betta Food What Is The Best Betta Food Brands?

What is the best betta food brands? - betta food

Now I have three bettas do not eat betta pellets, which only come into BettaMin Flakes Tetra. But tha'ts not my question. I have two bettas in a store where I know they will eat pellets. (The problem is that the other is the bettas Petstore where they were fed only flake food, so they are accustomed to eat and is now changing again.) Well, everything but what is the best 2 or 3 points (after a give too little variety). Thank you.

1 comment:

magicman... said...

The best food is a mixture of foods in reality. Since people can not use all their nutritional needs from a single feed can not be the most fish, including bettas betta and your future. A base plate or precipitate good that you should currently use, the staple food for them to feed most of the time. In addition a variety of frozen or live foods. Good choices include bloodworms, brine shrimp, Daphnia, and other sorts of "meat" foods. Bettas eat insects in nature and the need to develop even small things as sweet as flies, mosquito larvae, and others, take home foods are good for your Betta.

I feed my bettas once in the morning and evening. Once a day I feed flake food once a day and I feed one of the other foods.


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