Sunday, January 17, 2010

Treating Genital Warts What Kind Of Doctor Treats Genital Warts?

What kind of doctor treats genital warts? - treating genital warts

I know he is sick and not say, should friends and family, but I am almost certain, genital warts, and I do not know what kind of doctor to go see you ... OB / GYN, any doctor or dermatologist ... Your thoughts would be helpful .. Thank you!


Alli said...

The family doctor is good and is a gynecologist.

If you have genital warts, but it means that you have HPV. Some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. Therefore, I recommend you consult a gynecologist if you can. A gynecologist can look at the neck and keep an eye on him for signs of cancer of the cervix.

Good luck!

Carolyn said...

I went to my gynecologist, but also probably go to a normal GP. Do not be ashamed at the same time, you have the right to keep their lives private medical matters, is not ashamed.

workit said...

Dr. families can

elizabet... said...

Visit your family doctor, and he / she check it out, then send it to the appropriate RD. Most likely, an obstetrician-gynecologist. Get it carefully.

easytofo... said...


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