Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ultrasounds Speakers What Was The Most Awkward Thing That Happened To You?

What was the most awkward thing that happened to you? - ultrasounds speakers

Mine: I have problems with bad girls and go gynocoligist one. It should me an ultrasound years ago because I wanted to see what is wrong w / me (I'm) not pregnant, but most people associate ultrasound w / pregnancy.

Well, I had homework in my friend's house when I have a new voice message. I was busy, so I have to speakerphone. She was a nurses office with my gynecologist, said loudly and clearly that I would move my ultrasound. My friend looked shocked, but luckily his mother was the same document and be understood.


Born stubborn! said...

Well, first it is difficult. I must say when I walked the aisles with my two friends and one said, "Oh, I saw you looking ...... As the right, right. And do not really think I said, cha rite, I would say in a million years, not as an F-Ing. and when I sat behind me rite. However, this would have been if I had wanted, but I did. and I thought, too. OT have, but do not want to be my friend to say, because they do not keep walkin secret. But over and gave me a look like that, and left, and then my friend told me, very hard, right? "I wanted to kill. disgrace not only for me but it ruins all the possibilities with this boy. but then I approached him and said he only said that cuz I knew he was behind me, I only said that he knew what he was talking, but then began to crack, and he laughed and did not mention nothing new. attempt to boredom!

blueeyes... said...

with a period of work, or slip a fart, while talking with someone

I want my ¡OLD! mtv said...

I left full-Oh, about 2 months and I had a class with the technical director of the team and he is a friend of the football coach for the daughter of football coach was there and asked if people qualify for the finals - the year for the team banquet. Well, I think it was quite an old listed persons name, and they called my name, and she was like "Want the banquet?" And I said: "Uuuuhhhhhh ... Is not it? "And then the tubes coach, team, just as softly," Uh, it's, uh, not a kind ...". It all laughed, but that has only my days crying and then my friend, "Clumsy" fair chance, so what you expect from him? "It just made my day and we had fun that they will be closed until the end of the year.

Lolcat said...

speak my story before I tell you that I have a sleeping pill that makes me sometimes a sort of trance where I'm going to need to, but is not as extensive nonsense, and I go and other things
this was was just a dream with 8 girls and I took my medication ... and woke up in the bathroom covered in my own urine ... But I was sitting on the toilet ... I pull my pants do not .... and everyone was still asleep, but it was morning and I do not believe in the room with pee covered walkway, so I took one of those little scented bags for the bathroom, garbage bags and put my clothes he took a shower ... . worked! Who knew! Yay me!

Twinkey1... said...

I am looking for someone for a long, long time, it was rare ....

rain4him Stranger In Most Towns said...

I asked for an appointment with my psychiatrist, move, and the receptionist made the appointment of someone who knows! I was soooooo embarrassing!

the.chip said...

Once the scout camp, we were all in the house of the shower, and one of these kids do not realize that we were allowed to wear bathing suits .....

yeah ....... just a little uncomfortable.

Gravity _ said...

I went to New York and landed a no condoms in my face. I looked out the window with a man on the shelf of me.

Dyl H said...

in my junior year in high school, I fell from a tree in front of the whole school.

stan t said...

And the time I spent the night with my GF's friends, and we were in bed in the morning and knocked on the door. She said it will probably be my neighbor, go to your Freak Out the door and just curious. Then I went to the door, get in his underwear and opened my hope for a laugh from her neighbor, and behold, it was my friend? So I said, we will be your GF came laughing through the hall to the reaction of the residents who was and who had all seen an unpleasant encounter in the room?

I am still 7 years later with this girl!

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