Monday, February 15, 2010

Shower Boys Blog How Would You Feel Girls , If U Had To Shower With Boys And Do Rough Sports Being Shirtless ?

How would you feel girls , if u had to shower with boys and do rough sports being shirtless ? - shower boys blog

How would you feel the girls, if u had to take a shower with children and make rude sports topless?


Diane said...

I had for most of my school.

How did you feel?

It was hell.

Smexii said...

I am quite

its hawt

tentoes said...

I can be a problem with the shower part, as "children be children.

But what the sport would not be a problem because we were allowed to wear a bra ... because it is symptomatic.

[Rei] said...

Boys Do not * need * to one with children and violent sports, or go up without a shower.

Girls are the same sports, boys and girls are subjected to change rooms and bathrooms.

If a school that is absolutely forces, but F'd, but always the fault of the individual who chooses to something against their will.

sarahsmu... said...

It is interesting that all of your questions are now very similar ...
In addition, it would be inappropriate happened. If a teacher from you, it is likely that the perpetrators perverted.

Simply Kellogs said...

It would be crazy and feel even more alien and ready to die. However, they have on men and scenerios that we are good in one, while Smashing.

Ivy Blue said...

Uncomfotable .. and .. vulnerable if I play basketball is really bad, atleast without a bra or clothes! As for the shower .. and the same as before - vulnerable and uncomfortable

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