Friday, January 15, 2010

Cooking Classes Sf What Should I Do For My Son's 2nd Birthday Party In December?

What should I do for my son's 2nd birthday party in December? - cooking classes sf

My son is now 2 less than a month and I have no idea what to do on his birthday. I'm trying to make a big deal and not the money have to do it, but I want something planned. Last year, it's just a family story with us, but there are 30-40 people have lots of family around and everyone wanted a part of the celebration.

This year I think we still have many relatives who want to come, but my son has many playmates in the gymnastics class, and I would invite them to it. I thought 2 separate parts - a lower profile at home with the family to (my mother-offered in-law to cook), and another with friends. But we held only a Halloween party with many friends in our house and I do not want a repeat of that. Perhaps I should emphasize that it is easy, but I want to do something.

I live in the Bay Area of San Francisco. Recommendations for good seats that the party or something else could do in the CDMe? Thank you!


drimbo20... said...

Hello, you may go to the IMAX theater, concert, or go to the arcade, billiards, bowling. Curling, laser tag, miniature golf, paintball, Whirlyball, go karts, ice skating, aquarium, horse racing, theme park, zoo.
Perhaps hot air balloon and helicopter flights, but it's expensive:)
Any good place to eat restaurants or fast food or pizza.
I hope to be many ideas. You can see much more on the source i there. I hope it helps. There are many things to do.

Melissa said...

Is there a park nearby? I know that the kids love the outdoors, and clean less confusion for you! Find a park, a picnic area. Camping always fun. Good luck!

trueblue... said...

My daughter is almost three straight went to a Teddy Bear Picnic. Each child is invited (bring their favorite stuffed animal or other stuffed animal really) and had a little picnic in the backyard. The children's mother made fun foods such as bread, fairies, chocolate crackles, and had a big plate of mixed sandwiches. There were also some simple games like pass the parcel and pin the tail.
My daughter had a ball, and I think to do the same for his third birthday.
I live in Paris, so not sure if the United States, but if it is a good time of year, you could even the possibility that in a park

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